Hastings Book Signing
The book signing at our local Hastings out on Belt Highway was a phenomenal success. It was such an amazing experience to talk about and listen to others talk about my work. Liz was amazing, making sure everyone who walked through the doors was at least offered a bookmark. All of the Hastings staff were awesome. I’d like to give my personal and heartfelt thanks to Rochelle who couldn’t be there the day of, but helped us with all of the prep work and guided both Liz and I into the process of a book signing with ease. Thanks also to Bev, Sawyer and anyone else who’s name I did not get before we left, you guys were awesome.
We met some really cool people while trying to hock my prose. In particular I was very excited to meet Jay, who saw our poster at the library and thought my book sounded cool. It was a very unique feeling knowing he’d come that day to see me. (Real Author feeling moment!) Also, there was a very cool guy by the name of Jim who I offered my chair to and who made the last half hour of the signing a real treat.
We also got visits from folks we knew. Thanks so much to Linda, Pat, Kylie, Sam, Kay and Chris who came to get their copies signed or just to show support. Sorry we missed you last week, Kay. I hope you enjoy the book! I want to thank Pat for bringing Kylie — in particular for bringing in her dad’s copy to sign and for lending us Sammy to help with selling books. See, cause cute babies sell books. Thanks to everyone who came for sure. You’re support means so very much to me.
So, how’d we do? Thanks to you — awesome!
In general I’d say the event was a kick ass success. Rochelle was saying that even selling one book at a signing is a success and we sold six, so that’s SIX successes. Woop. Woop. P.S. a correction to that number, as someone came in after we left and purchased another copy, so we sold 7 copies. Boom.
Still need a copy? Psst… you can get yours here… Thanks, and as always, have a wonderful day!
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