Swords I Have Loved
I love swords. Really, I love most forms of weapons that might appear in a fantasy setting, but swords hold a particularly special place for me. I’ve collected them since I was a teen, with my first Duncan MacLeod Katana, which was kindof a cheap piece of crap. One day while I was practicing with it on the roof of my parent’s garage in my home city of Baltimore (Yes, that likely looked as cool as you are thinking), the blade of that sword flew completely out of its plastic handle, severing several bush limbs and landing in our back neighbor’s courtyard. The profanity on that day was quite loud, indeed. Retrieving the blade from my neighbor was an ordeal and required much explanation. “Why do you have a sword?” was asked more than once. My answer was always the same: “Why DON’T you?”

This is the really nice one, a gift from my best friend.
I now own a variety of swords and many have come into my possession only to pass on to others, as it is my considered opinion that everyone should own at least one sword. Some of my favorites are my MUCH better version of the Duncan MacLeod sword that was gifted to me by a very good friend, and one of my other katanas known only as Defender (and of which there are apparently only 75 like in the world).

Defender – a beautiful blade.
And… of course, my wedding gift from my wife, my Irish Ring Sword which sits right next to her wedding sword on our wall, where our cat likes to cuddle up beneath certain doom. Don’t ask me why, because Cat.
Some other swords I love, but don’t own (though I wants them, precious!) are the Oslo Two-Handed Viking Sword from the Darksword Armory (as I’ve always wanted a Viking or Norse sword that I could use with two hands) and the Celtic Wolf Leaf Blade by Odin Blades (This is what inspired Asala’s Sword from White Wolf, incidentally) and, of course, just about anything from Fable Blades. There are a ton more I’d like to have and I could write a whole series of blogs about all the different awesome weapons that should be mine – like I don’t own a saber and I really should get one and there are a lot of varieties just within that….man, I really ought to get one of those… ..
Swords are AWESOME, right?
Swords are awesome and people who make swords are even more awesome! What’s your favorite sword or weapon? Doesn’t even have to be a fantasy one, if you prefer plasma cannons or shot guns I want to know about it, so leave your answers in the comments! Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!
P.S. Oh and I almost forgot, I WANTS Twinkle and Icingdeath, the Scimitars of Drizzt Do’Urden. Had to mention that.